Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Old Lady and the Fire

Long long ago, so long ago, nobody knew how long ago, there lived an Old Lady in a small village. The old lady was staying alone and was managing her work by herself. She used to get up early every morning, before anyone in the village could get up.

In those days there were no match boxes or lighters to create fire. Rubbing two firestones to create fire was the known way. Since the old lady gets up earlier, she used to be first person to create fire in the whole village. For the sake of convenience, the neighbours used to light their piece of wood from the old lady. But nobody would thank the old lady.

This was a cause of concern for the old lady. She thought about it for a long time. One day she thought that she would quietly vacate the village and move into a new village. She thought that since she is not there to create fire, the whole village would get affected and would understand her value. Also thought that nobody would cook their food. So, on one fine morning, the old lady moved out of the village.

After several months, the old lady came back to the village and was shocked. Much to her disappointment, the village was functioning normal. Everone in the village was as happy as they used to be. Every house prepared their food. The old lady felt bad about herself and returned back to the village and continued to stay there happily. And from the next day onwards her neighbours started lighting their fire from the old lady's house.

  1. Irespective of your presence, the world continues to function as is
  2. Thanks are not to be demanded but earned
  3. Lessons are not to be taught but to be learned

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