Monday, October 30, 2006

Squidoo Vs Google CSE

Last year around this time, Seth Godin through his free eBook - Everyone is an Expert explained a concept which takes the help of everyone's expertise in providing more meaning to the end user in what they are searching or looking for. To provide more meaning to what people are searching or looking for, he introduced a concept called ‘Lens’. He applied this Lens concept through his project called Squidoo. People who get involved in providing meaning, do even have chance to get royalties for the work.

About 5 month ago, Google had released its new service called Google Co-op. Through this program, one can create her own Custom Search Engine based on her knowledge and interest. You can even make money (through AdSense) from the traffic generated out of the custom search engine. As always, Google has kept its high standards in it’s simplicity combined with amazing speed.

Now, there comes 2 questions:
1) Is the Google's Custom Search Engine a competition to Squidoo ? If the answer is yes, then what would happen to the Squidoo Lenses, which was originally started to provide meaning to the end users?
2) If the Google's Custom Search Engine were not competing with Squidoo, How would they compliment each other?

1 comment:

CSELinks Directory said...

If you are interested in publicising your CSE you may want to be an early bird submitter at our CSE links directory at - your submission will include as long a description of your CSE as you wish together with relevant keyword lists, both of which you will be entitled to edit and keep up to date if you register as an Editor. You can also add new CSEs as you build them. All Editors will also have permission to rate and comment on other CSEs thereby constantly improving the overall quality of our visitors' experience. The site will officially go live on Thursday.